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Graduate Students

Application deadlines


  • Deadline: 回国的网赌论坛有哪些生应在2012年3月15日之前完成新学年的FAFSA.m. (midnight) ET. 建议即将入学的网赌论坛有哪些生在申请网赌论坛有哪些时完成FAFSA.
  • 2023- 2024学年的FAFSA于2022年10月1日开始发放
  • 2023-24学年的FAFSA只能在2024年6月30日之前提交
  • 2024-25学年的FAFSA将于2023年12月推出
  • 2023 - 24年度的FAFSA将允许学生申请2023年秋季的助学金, spring 2024, and summer 2024 terms
  • 2024 - 25年的FAFSA将允许学生申请2024年秋季的助学金, spring 2025, and summer 2025 terms



Our school code: 002894.

FAFSA details

Types of aid

Tuition scholarships

学费奖学金由学生申请的罗彻斯特大学学术部门颁发. 这些奖学金通常会支付一定比例的学费,并以成绩为基础. 国内和国际学生都有资格获得这些奖项.

Assistantships and fellowships

助学金是提供给网赌论坛有哪些生的一种经济援助形式,以支持学生的项目, through either research assistantships or teaching assistantships.

Special fellowships


Tuition benefits

Employer tuition benefits may be available to you. Contact your employer’s benefits office for details. 你需要通知你的财务援助顾问任何预期的学费福利.

Outside scholarships

我们的学生通常是校外奖学金的优秀候选人. Look to family employers, local foundations, clubs, and community agencies for scholarship opportunities. 学生必须通知我们的办公室在学年期间将收到的任何外部奖学金.

下面列出了几种可供学生使用的联邦贷款的信息, 包括与每种贷款类型的借款相关的标准.

申请联邦贷款时,注意学年日期是很重要的. For financial aid purposes, 一学年从秋季学期/季度开始,一直延续到第二年的夏季. 根据你入学的时间,可能需要提交多份申请.

For example, if you start a program in the summer term, you will need to complete two FAFSAs, as your enrollment will cross two academic years. You’ll need to complete one FAFSA for the summer term, the end of one academic year, and one FAFSA for the fall term, the beginning of a new academic year. Fall 2023 is the start of the 2023–2024 academic year. Fall 2024 is the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Federal TEACH Grant*

大学和高等教育教师教育援助(TEACH)赠款计划提供高达2美元的赠款,向学业合格的学生提供每学期1万美元,这些学生打算在小学或中学或为低收入家庭学生提供服务的教育服务机构教授高需求课程. 要获得资助,学生必须完成服务协议申请 FAFSA, as well as TEACH grant counseling.

For more information, review the federal TEACH grant website. To apply for the federal TEACH grant, submit the TEACH grant application directly to the Financial Aid Office. 请注意,未能完成服务义务将导致赠款转换为联邦直接无补贴贷款,利息从原始支付之日起累计并资本化.


Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans

To be eligible for federal student loans, you must be:

  • US citizens or permanent residents
  • Matriculated
  • 至少有一半的时间(每学期6个学分)参加学位授予课程


查看有关联邦直接无补贴贷款选项的其他信息, including interest rates, fees, and borrowing limits on the loans page.

Federal Graduate PLUS Loans


  • 已经申请了年度联邦直接学生贷款吗.
  • 正在攻读硕士或博士学位(不包括证书课程).
  • 注册时间不少于一半(每学期不少于6学时).

Review additional information on the Graduate PLUS loan option, including interest rates, fees, and borrowing limits on the loans page.

State educational loans

State educational loans:

  • 适用于本科生和网赌论坛有哪些生(可能也适用于父母和亲属), 只要学生被录取并至少有一半的时间在学位课程中注册.
  • 是否以信用为基础,并提供可能与PLUS贷款和其他贷款竞争的利率和条款.
  • 是否有固定利率和可变利率,视州而定.

查看有关国家教育贷款选项的更多信息 loans page.

Alternative educational loans

这些教育贷款是由银行和教育贷款机构提供的,作为联邦学生贷款的补充(而不是替代). 替代贷款也可称为“私人教育”或“补充”贷款, as they are not affiliated with federal or state loan programs.

国际学生很可能需要向美国担保人申请私人/替代贷款. If you do not have a US cosigner, 请设法通过你本国的银行获得贷款, especially if they offer students loans in the United States.


  • Non-matriculated
  • Students seeking to pay past-due balances
  • Students not meeting satisfactory academic progress
  • 先前因信用不良而被拒绝申请其他贷款的学生

查看有关替代教育贷款选项的其他信息 loans page.

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